
VIP Rank

Support our server and get cool perks by buying the VIP rank!

  • Special VIP Chat Prefix
  • Skip Queue to Join the Server
  • 5x Gems Multiplier
  • Gem Deliveries
  • and much more! (see below)
Perks Default Rank VIP
Rank Prefix
Have a special piece of text display next to your name when chatting and by pressing tab.
Chat Color
Make your words stand out in chat!
Gray White
No Chat Cooldown
Talk in chat without a cooldown!
Exclusive Battle Pass Cosmetics
Earn towards exclusive Battle Pass cosmetics that can only be obtained by VIPs!
Gem Deliveries
Receive gems by claiming the Weekly & Monthly deliveries from Dingle's Deliveries.
Flight in All Lobbies
Freely fly around in every lobby!
Chat Emojis
Type custom emojis in chat by pressing ":" and tab. Do /emojis for a list of all available emojis.
Rank Color Rewards
By owning VIP for several months as well as other methods, you can earn unique VIP colors that are different from the traditional gold!
Auto-Accept Quests
Instead of having to click to activate your quests every time, have your quests automatically accepted and earn towards completing them without a worry!
Party Duels
Host cool party duels with your party in various modes, like FFA, Party Split, Tournaments, and more!
Discord Tag
By linking your Minecraft and Discord accounts, you can show off your VIP in our Discord server!
VIPs receive a library of cool gadgets to use in lobbies, such as go-kart, tic-tac-toe, trampoline, and more!
VIPs receive a library of cool statuses to display over their heads in lobbies! Let other players know you're "AFK", show off your Battle Royale stars, best winstreak, and more!
Party Size
VIPs can create max parties of 30 players on the network! Individual gamemode party restrictions still apply.
10 30
Gems Multiplier
When earning gem rewards, receive a multiplied amount!
1x 5x
Quest Rerolls
Reroll your quests to receive different ones. There is a reroll limit for both daily and weekly quests.
1 5


$9.99/month (auto-renews)


$99.99/year (single purchase)